Nikon D5600 Camera Kit

Nikon D5600 Camera Kit

Date for Wish : 12-03-2021
    • Calendar#:
    • wish-93-1623553336
    • Total Goal:
    • $1,438.55
    • Contributed:
    • $200.00
    • Remaining:
    • $1,238.55

Greetings to all within the WishesSwishes community! My name is Yusef and I’m an upcoming photographer and model residing in the Chicago area. Due to me operating off my cellphone and starting to have more individuals reach out to me for photo shoots, a new camera can be a huge blessing to help get my photography off the ground. The current camera that I hope and wish to have is the Nikon D5600 which comes with a starter photography kit as well that includes all the materials that I need for photography. I do appreciate everyone who’s willing to contribute and help make my birthday wish come true. Much love to everyone, stay blessed, and I hope everyone else’s wishes are able to be fulfilled!

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